Is it better to get a reading in person or over the phone? Because we are all Spiritually connected physical proximity does not play a part. I am able to tap into your energy, as well as the Spirit world, at any place and at anytime. In-person or phone readings all work the same.
Will the Spirit person I want to reconnect with come through for me? I can't guarantee 100% that the one person that you want to come through will come through, but most of the time they do. It is important to know that when the channel is opened here, through a medium, your loved ones in Spirit are eager to come through and reconnect with you. Sometimes a stronger, more "verbal" Spirit friend will come through 1st. This often helps to open the door for communication for your other loved ones in Spirit to come through. Many readings have quite a few Spirit communicators showing up for their loved one here getting the reading. Spirit knows that you are connecting with me. Often times they will make themselves known to me days prior to your reading. Keep an open mind and know that others from your Spirit family may want to take this opportunity to come through for you to communicate an important message.
Have you ever had a evil Spirit come to you? In all the years I’ve done this work, I’m blessed to say that I have never connected with a bad or "evil" Spirit. I have a strong code of ethics in the way I conduct my own life, so it goes without saying that “like attracts like.” I work for the highest good, consider myself a child of God, and have a Higher Power; therefore, I will not attract this type of energy. Having said that, I frequently have had Spirits come through with apologies for their loved ones here for their behavior here that was not so kind or loving. The Spirit world see things from a higher, more enlightened perspective on the other side. I find myself being more cautious of people here in the physical than of those in the Spirit realm.
Are my pets in heaven? Yes! Our beloved pets will often show up in readings. They come through with their "human" Spirit team quite frequently. I don't consider myself to be a animal communicator, but they do come through often.
Are you always aware of the Spirit world in your daily life? People frequently ask me if I am always "on", or picking up information about people around me and the Spirit world. Thankfully the answer is No!I have a life to live just like everyone else. I have no desire to be open all of time to other peoples business or to the Spirit world. It is not healthy, or for that matter, proper. I have learned simple techniques which enable me to turn it on when I am working, and then to turn it off when I am not. Thank God for proper education when it comes to this work!
What is the difference between a Psychic & a Medium? The term “psychic” is often used as a catchall phrase for anyone who works in the paranormal. A psychic has the ability to "Perceive" information about a person, place or thing. A medium "Receives" information from your loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned his or her extrasensory perception to a much higher degree, or frequency, to commune with the Spirit world. Mediumship is much more involved than psychic information because a medium is opening up to the discarnate energy of the Spirit world. Everyone is psychic to some degree or another, but not everyone is a medium.
Does it matter how long they've been on the other side before they can come through? No. I have had Spirit come through the next day after they have passed. It really depends on the Spirit person and their adjustment to the other side. It also depends on their ability and knowledge to communicate through a medium.
Is my reading recorded? I do not record readings, but I encourage you to record your reading. Many of my clients record their readings on their phones. There is so much information that is given in a reading that it is difficult to remember it all. Sometimes some of the information may not make sense at the moment of the reading, but listening to it later it does. Having the reading recorded is an excellent way to get the most from your reading.
Whatdo you need to know about me prior to my reading? Only your first name. The less you tell me the better. When I do a reading, I will quite often get information for you prior to your scheduled time. I usually always have a good sense of why you are coming to see me. Quite often too, your loved ones in Spirit will make their presence known to me prior to your sitting. I always leave some time toward the end of your reading for you to ask any questions which may have not been addressed. It is quite common that your questions and desires have been answered without you having to ask. It's in the hands of Spirit and it never ceases to amaze me how they are able to come through to help us here!
What do I need to do to prepare for my reading? Not much really. I will say though, that the more relaxed you are the better. Because this work is on an energetic level, the more comfortable you are the better it works. Psychic readings are the blending of my energy with yours to perceive information for you about your life. Mediumistic readings consist of the blending of my energy, the energy of the Spirit person, and your energy. The better this blending process, the better the reading. I provide a very relaxed, safe, and comfortable space for this work.
Am I psychic? Everyone is psychic to some degree. Psychic means "of the soul" or "soul senses". Psychics perceive information by means of these soul senses, sensing information beyond the rational mind. This extrasensory information is most commonly perceived by the psychic through the 3 main "clairs"; clairvoyance (to see), clairaudience (to hear), and clairsentience (to feel). Working with these clairs through various exercises helps to strengthen these abilities. Just like an athlete trains for physical strength and endurance, a psychic can do the same. The more one works with and acknowledges these soul senses, the clearer and more precise they will become. If you are interested in developing your psychic & mediumistic abilities, I offer ongoing private psychic & mediumship training.
Am I a Medium? The process of mediumship is soul to soul blending of energies. The mediums' soul energy blends with the soul energy of the discarnate Spirit and receives information telepathically. Because we are all souls, at the deepest sense of who we are, the ability to blend with and receive information from a discarnate Spirit is possible for us all. But to develop the ability to consistently blend with and receive evidential information from many that have crossed over, and then pass this information onto the Spirits' loved one here, is not an ability that all have. It is similar in comparison to a naturally born athlete or musician. Some are born with these natural abilities and can go on to be great athletes or musicians. Others of us no matter how hard we physically train or play a musical instrument, will never achieve a high quality of mastery in those fields. It is said that mediums are born, not made. I believe this to be true. Having said that; if you find yourself extremely drawn to and passionate about this subject, have had experiences when you felt Spirit trying to get your attention, and you feel that you may have these abilities, mediumship training is highly recommended. My mentorship development caters to all levels of unfoldment, from beginner to advanced levels. Ongoing mentorship training is offered in person or through Skype.
Where is the Spirit World? The Spirit world is not off in some far-off place above or below us. The Spirit world co-exists all around us. The truth of who and what we are is energy & pure consciousness. Our evolutionary consciousness is always connected to and part of Universal Consciousness. Because of our conditioning here in the physical world we often feel cut off from, or separate from, Universal Consciousness. In truth, we are part of the whole always. Energy never dies it only changes form. Our Spirit friends and family are still here with us. They are only expressing themselves in a different level of consciousness.
Do people change when they cross over? Every time I link with a Spirit person they come through just the same as when they were here in the physical. People seem to think that those who cross over somehow turn into exalted angelic beings, yet they have the same personality traits on the other side as they did here. If they were energetic, funny, stubborn, or relaxed etc., they will often reveal these characteristics in the communication. However, Spirits do evolve and progress over time. Often, they will impress me with their personalities or how they acted here so that their loved one receiving the message will know it is truly them. It’s a form of validation, which is a necessary part of the communication process. If someone was negative here, it’s likely that they’ll imprint that characteristic to me during the communication, once again just to validate who they are. However, as souls, we all grow and progress over time.
Spiritual Psychic Medium in Park City, Utah. Professional Evidential Psychic Medium. Reconnect with your loved ones on the other side. Spiritual Healing, Psychic Readings, Mediumship Development classes. Psychic Development classes. Readings in person, over the Phone or Zoom..